Monday, April 19, 2010

The Tea Party Demonization Campaign Continues

The single most consistent truism in American political life is this:  If you see a liberal/leftist/progressive/ socialist/neo-fascist accusing conservatives of engaging in some unseemly behavior, you can be absolutely, positively certain that said liberal/leftist/progressive/socialist/neo-fascist is either currently engaging in the exact same behavior or has done so in the past.  This absolute truism has never been more starkly on display than in the ongoing effort by the Democrat Party and its propaganda arm in the old, tired, dying leftist news media to demonize the millions of ordinary Americans who participate in the Tea Party rallies all over the country.

A couple of weeks ago we detailed how several members of congress leveled obviously false charges that Tea Party participants in Washington hurled racial and homophobic epithets at them as they filed into the capital building.  That effort having been exposed as a fraud and failing to move the public opinion needle away from the Tea Partiers, the Democrats and their media agents redoubled their efforts last week, desperate to find some traction as the November elections grow ever more near.

The fun started with Chris Matthews, who believe it or not is still on MSNBC, hosting a show viewed by literally dozens of people late each afternoon.  Mr. Matthews went into a literal hissy fit – the kind only smarmy leftwingers can throw – after hearing Rush Limbaugh refer to the current administration as the Obama "Regime" on his radio program.  Matthews went on and on about how the use of that specific word is simply unacceptable in American public discourse, contending Limbaugh should be shunned for having used it to refer to any duly-elected American president, because in so doing he might incite those evil Tea Partiers to violent behavior.

One problem:  a cursory Google search on the term "Bush Regime" returned 1.4 million hits, including hundreds of examples of its use by Democrat members of congress, and several instances when Matthews himself used the term to refer to the George W. Bush Administration. 


Next we had NY Times columnist Frank Rich, in his Saturday column, trotting out the tired and disgusting canard that the only reason why the Tea Partiers oppose the current President's policies is due to their inherent racism.  He went on to contend that race is in fact the sole motivating factor of the Tea Parties, and that Republican politicians who encourage the Tea Parties are in fact inciting violence and risking creating another Timothy McVeigh.  This from a guy who never had word one to say about the hundreds of real violent protests conducted by those on the far left during the Bush years, and who has never had a word to say about real race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and the criminal behavior their acts have provoked over the years.

Not content to merely use media tools to drumbeat this "Tea Partiers = Violent Racists" message into the public consciousness, the Democrats trotted out the big gun over the weekend in the form of former President and Oval Office Fornicator Bill Clinton.  At an event recognizing the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing, the former Prevaricator in Chief built upon Rich's comparison of the Tea Partiers as one big Timothy McVeigh waiting to happen, stating that the rhetoric he is hearing from the Tea Parties today is reminiscent of the rhetoric he heard from the right prior to McVeigh's atrocity.  Those of us with long memories will remember that Clinton, on the advice of pollster Dick Morris, disgracefully used the tragic deaths of almost 200 Americans as a tool for attacking his political enemies, attempting to blame the event on conservative talk radio hosts like Limbaugh, instead of the abuses of the FBI under his own watch at Mount Carmel and the earlier incident at Ruby Ridge, as McVeigh himself attested to.

Not content with merely labeling millions of ordinary Americans as hateful, violent, racist terrorists, the Democrat demonization campaign continued onto the Sunday morning talk shows, where Time Magazine leftist nitwit Joe Klein accused Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin – and by extension, the Tea Partiers – of making statements that border on "sedition".  To quote Klein:  " I looked up the definition of sedition which is conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of the state. And a lot of these statements… rub right up close to being seditious."

Oh, ok, so now those on the radical political left would have you all believe that statements criticizing the taxing and spending excesses of this Administration and congress are somehow seditious in nature.   This is life in the liberal zoo carried to its logical conclusion:  any idea contrary to those held by the poobahs of American leftism must be criminalized in order to be shut down, because those on the left have no means of making any fact-based argument to refute them.

At long last, it has come to this.  November cannot get here soon enough.

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