Sunday, January 31, 2010

Global Warming: The Great Unravelling

The unravelling of the greatest, most massive fraud in the history of mankind is beginning to happen now at an increasingly rapid pace. New revelations of data manipulation, falsifying of findings, and the serial baselessness for the spectacular fright claims contained in the UN IPCC report and the messaging of Pope Al Gore are now flying at us on almost a daily basis. I've long predicted this would all come about, and that Pope Al would ultiimately go down in history as the P.T. Barnum of the 21st century, but it is now happening at a pace I never envisioned.

Here is a terrific piece by British Professor Philip Stott describing the breathtaking disintigration of the grand narrative.  A few key exerpts:

Moreover, the collapse has been quicker than any might have predicted. The humiliating exclusion of Britain and the EU at the end of the Copenhagen débâcle was partially to be expected, but it was brutal in its final execution. The swing of power to the BASIC group of countries (Brazil, South Africa, India, China) had likewise been signified for some time, but, again, it came with precipitate ease, leaving even the American President, Barack Obama, with no doubts as to where the political agenda on climate change was now heading, namely to the developing world, but especially to the East, and to the Pacific Rim. The dirigiste tropes of ‘Old Europe’, with its love of meaningless targets and carbon capping, will no longer carry weight, while Obama himself has been straitjacketed by the voters of Massachusetts, by the rust-belt Democrats, by a truculent Congress, by an increasingly-sceptical and disillusioned American public, but, above all, by the financial crisis. Nothing will now be effected that for a single moment curbs economic development, from China to Connecticut, from Africa to Alaska.


I have long predicted, and in public too, that the Copenhagen Conference could prove to be the beginning of the end for the Global Warming Grand Narrative. It appears that I may well have been right, and, indeed, I may have considerably underestimated the speed, and the dramatic nature, of the demise.

You and me both, Professor, you and me both.

Let "Washington" Do It

One of the most fascinating parts of watching President Barack Obama deliver his State of the Union Address to congress last week was hearing his repeated derogation of Washington DC, and its failure to address what ails the nation. It seemed that the President blamed “Washington” for all the bad stuff going on even more than he blamed George W. Bush.

He went on and on, slamming the “pettiness” of “partisan politics”, derogating the “Washington gimmicks” that do nothing but make problems worse. He said we have to “move beyond” the “same tired battles” that have defined national politics in recent years, and even said that the evil boogeyman “Washington” is “unable or unwilling to solve any of our problems”.

Now, you can imagine that all of this anti-“Washington” rhetoric left me feeling a bit whiplashed. After all, we have spent the last 12 months looking on as our young and inexperienced President has done nothing but seek “Washington” solutions to everything that ails us as a country.

Got a recession going on? Hey, let ol’ “Washington” waste $787 billion of your dollars on a fake “stimulus” bill that was really nothing more than a means of dramatically raising the baseline for all sorts of wasteful discretionary federal programs. Oops – we’ve got a $1.4 trillion deficit? Why, we’ll get “Washington” to put a “freeze” on those discretionary programs whose baseline budgets we’ve just increased by about 40% - we can afford it now. General Motors is about to go bankrupt? How about letting “Washington” take over and run the company – he can do it! It’ll only cost $50 billion or so, the first year.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Saturday Situation

I swear, this presidency just becomes more and more absurd with each passing day.  Wait, did I say "passing"?  That's a football term, right?  How appropo, as they say in all the right cocktail parties in the nation's capital.

The big news this morning is that your President, Barack (the Hussein is silent) Obama, has his Justice Department studying ways to tinker with major college football's means of determining a national champion. That's right:  In the middle of the Great Recession, with a 10% rate of unemployment and a 17% rate of underemployment, with foreign policiy crises popping up all over the world and Islamic terrorists bringing incendiary devices onto our jetliners in their underpants, your President continues to have a laser-like focus on the trivial and the absurd.  This guy is quickly making me long for the days of the Carter Administration.

In Church of Global Warming news, it now turns out that the head of the UN's IPCC knew the information regarding melting Himalayan glaciers contained in his organization's "scholarly" report was false before December's climate summit in Copenhagen, but chose to wait two months before releasing the information.  Golly, a Global Warmist is a liar?  Man, that is shocking.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Barack Obama - The Teleprompter Presidency

Further proof the man is purely an empty suit - he has to bring his teleprompter with him to speak to his Middle Class Task Force:

Friday Morning State of Play

Biggest story of the day:  the White House has instructed the Justice Department to find another venue for the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial.  Seems New York Mayor Bloomberg, who initially supported the idiotic decision to try KSM in lower Manhattan, has figured out how many NY small businesses would be killed by two years of ultra-high security and the media frenzy it would produce.  Gee, what a freaking brain surgeon this guy is.

My prediction:  KSM will never stand trial in a U.S. civilian court.  Gitmo will never be closed.  The congress will stop both from taking place.

Megan McCain says Sarah Palin could win the presidency in 2012. She's not crazy.  I'll be writing more on this subject over the weekend.

George Will tells you why Sam Alito was right and the President was wrong about the Court's decision to allow limited corporate contributions to issue-related political advertising.  I know it's shocking this President could be wrong, of course...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday Morning Roundup

Posting this from Austin, my favorite city in the world...

Bob Herbert, who works for a newspaper, the NY Times, which never once bothered to ask who Barack Obama really was during the 2008 presidential campaign, this morning is asking who is Barack Obama, really?  And (sniff) he's so goshdarn (sniff, sniff) disappointed in his hero, the President (sniff).  Of course, had the NY Times bothered to actually report on who Barack Obama really is back in 2007 and 2008, we would probably have avoided this feckless, incompetent and utterly disastrous presidency.

All of which leads me to the conclusion that Bob Herbert and everyone else at the near-bankrupt NY Times can go (bleep) themselves.

You won't see much reporting on this in our hopelessly dishonest mainstream, leftist news media, but this is a big deal. Terrance Corcoran is one of the lead authors of the original IPCC report, and a long-time high-visibility proponent of man-made global warming theory.  When guys like this start calling for investigations and resignations, you know the whole house of cards is getting ready to come tumbling down.  Yay.

Politico this morning has an excellent piece on how the leaders in the neo-Fascist Democrat Party are beginning to eat one another.   This is so ugly, it's beeeyutyful.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday Morning Roundup

Interesting stuff out there this morning, especially if you want more insight into the President's thought process regarding his policy priorities.  I've told you for a year now that this guy is a true believer radical leftist, and unlike Bill Clinton, getting re-elected is not his first priority.

If you need confirmation of that from the horse's mouth check out this video.  "I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president."  To a Saul Alinsky (the real spiritual head of today's Democrat Party, pictured at left) disciple, that  means he'd rather keep trying to institutionalize as much neo-fascist policy as he possibly can over the next three years, whether via legislation or regulation (like the EPA's move to regulate carbon emissions under the Clean Air Act), than worry about moderating himself in order to improve his public standing and increase his chances for re-election.

This is a very, very dangerous man.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday Morning Roundup

The panic that has set in amongst our friends in the Democrat Party continues to produce sage advice from the party's "wise men" on what the President needs to do to turn the thing around.

Former Clinton Advisor James Carville (pictured at left) says all the Democrats need to do is spend more time blaming George W. Bush.  Yeah, that's the ticket!

Seriously, that may well be the stupidest advice anyone could possibly give President Obama at this point.  The whole "blame Bush" paradigm, which Obama has pulled out of his pocket at every conceivable opportunity for the last 12 months, is one of the main reasons why the public has come to find this man so damned tiresome.  The public is longing for someone, anyone, who will take national office in Washington and take responsbility for getting things right.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Church of Global Warming Meltdown Continues

The fraud-based bust-up of the Church of Global Warming continued apace last week, even as Scott Brown’s senate election in Massachusetts was grabbing all of the big news headlines.

Early last week, the United Nations’ International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was forced to admit that its longstanding contention that the Himalayan glaciers would be melted away by 2035 was not, as previously claimed, based on a peer-reviewed scientific study. Rather, it was based solely on a single published article, the author of which admitted that his theory was entirely speculative in nature, and which did not in fact include any sort of date by when the glaciers would disappear.

Several months after this outright fraudulent claim was brought to its attention by a group of real climate scientists, the head of the IPCC, Raj Pachauri, in making his admission, claimed that the IPCC did not know the flimsy nature of this information when the decision was made to include it in its own “authoritative” report.

But wait, the story gets better.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

How Leftist Elitists View the Electorate Now

Some fascinating screeching coming from elitist thought leaders and policymakers on the American Left in the wake of the Scott Brown Mass-acre of Martha Coakley last Tuesday:

Charles Blow, one of the stable of leftist nitwits who populate the NY Times Op/Ed page, says you're all just  a mindless, destructive, angry mob.

Want to Know What Obamatons Really Think?

Read this piece by New Yorker, columnist Hendrik Hertzberg (pictured at left with his date, the lovely Ms. Frankenstein):

One Year: Beware of Sudden Downdrafts

Read some key exerpts after the break...

Another Brilliant Piece Today From Mark Steyn

So what went wrong? According to Barack Obama, the problem is that he overestimated you dumb rubes' ability to appreciate what he's been doing for you. "That I do think is a mistake of mine," the president told ABC's George Stephanopoulos. "I think the assumption was if I just focus on policy, if I just focus on this provision or that law or if we're making a good rational decision here, then people will get it."

But you schlubs aren't that smart. You didn't get it. And Barack Obama is determined to see that you do. So the president has decided that he needs to start "speaking directly to the American people."

Wait, wait! Come back! Don't all stampede for the hills! He gave only (according to CBS News' Mark Knoller) 158 interviews and 411 speeches in his first year. That's more than any previous president – and maybe more than all of them put together. But there may still be some show out there that didn't get its exclusive Obama interview – I believe the top-rated "Grain & Livestock Prices Report – 4 a.m. Update with Herb Torpormeister" on WZZZ-AM Dead Buzzard Gulch Junction's Newstalk Leader is still waiting to hear back from the White House.

The President Thinks We Need More Speeches

A Dozen Things to Get About the Scott Brown Win

12 things you have to understand about the Mass-acre, and what it portends for the rest of this year:

1. The Democrats completely misread the results of the 2008 elections. In that election – and in the 2006 election before it – the public voted against “Republicanism”, not conservatism. Voters booted the Republicans out because they acted like a bunch of drunken Democrats the last 6 years they controlled congress. The Democrats, meanwhile, interpreted the election results as an endorsement of leftism, and are now being disabused of that notion the hard way.

2. This remains a center/right country – average Americans are frugal by nature and always frightened by profligate government spending is always a product of liberal domestic policies. The 2008 elections did nothing to change that.

Bad Week for the Obama-Nation

January 21, 2010

It’s really got to be tough being an Obamaton these days. I mean, it’s gotten to the point where even I almost feel sorry for them – with emphasis on the “almost”.

Think about it: Barely a year ago today, this nation was flooded with an enormous army of cocksure, self-absorbed, unthinking, obnoxious leftists who really believed they were about to embark upon a glorious, permanent era of socialist/fascist governance in the United States. Coming off the near-landslide electoral victories of November, 2008, they were about to install the first true radical leftist in the White House, a young, charismatic and energetic true believer who would have huge majorities in both houses of congress to work with to enact socialist/fascist policies related to everything from healthcare to global warming to nationalization of major industries, to control of content over the airwaves and Internet. The hated Republicans were in utter, dispirited disarray, marginalized to the point of irrelevance and teetering on the brink of political extinction.

Those were heady days for the Obamaton Nation, and they were not shy about letting everyone around them know about it.


First, a confession: I am a HUGE fan of this show. Got hooked on the first episode of the first season, and have never missed one since. But there is a trick to the long-term enjoyment of “24″ – if you try to just take it at face value, you will quickly lose the ability to take it seriously and become disaffected. I realized this along about midway through the show’s second season, when Jack Bauer’s daughter was kidnapped out of CTU custody for about the tenth time.

When will Kim be kidnapped this season?

The key to enjoying this show is to view it like a kind of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 deal. This show, if you don’t take it seriously, is one of the funniest programs on television. It is so filled with patently absurd plot devices that it defies any credibility whatsoever, but if you recognize that reality, the show quickly becomes one of the best laugh-fests around.
If you really want to have fun, make up drinking games to the various repetitive plot devices.