Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Consequence of Incompetence

The continuing utter ineptitude of the current presidential administration has never been more starkly displayed than over the last week, in relation to the disastrous BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and the attempted Islamo-fascist bombing in Times Square.

The Bombing

For those of you who haven't been keeping count, Friday night's attempted bombing in Times Square constitutes the fourth significant terrorist attack by Islamo-fascists on U.S. soil since President Obama took office.  That compares to zero significant terrorist attacks by Islamo-fascists on U.S. soil during the Bush Administration post-9/11.  So do the math:  that's 4 in 16 months compared to zero in 87 months.

If you think this is somehow mere coincidence, think again.  This is a matter of focus, or lack thereof by this current President and his Chicago thug minions on the real threat this nation faces.  President George W. Bush, for all of his touchy-feely political correctness when it came to airport security and constantly referring to Islam as a "religion of peace", also consistently and clearly identified and targeted the real terrorist threat to America in modern times, which invariably comes from male followers of radical Islamic factions between the ages of 18 and 35.  That is the demographic the Bush Justice Department and intelligence agencies focused on, and that focus kept this nation safe from terrorist attack for the final 87 months of the Bush presidency.

By contrast, the Obama Administration can't even bring itself to use the word 'terrorist' until absolutely forced to do so when reality slaps it in its collective face, as happened on Tuesday morning, and it is incapable of using any iteration of 'Islam' in describing individual terrorists or the terrorist threat in any event whatsoever.  

To make matters worse, the Justice Department under feckless Attorney General Eric Holder has made it clear that its focus will be on domestic, 'right-wing' paramilitary groups, the likes of which have not staged any sort of attack in this country in the 15 years since Tim McVeigh attacked the FBI building in Oklahoma City.

It should surprise no one that this refusal by U.S. law enforcement officials to focus on the real threat at hand has emboldened Islamo-fascists around the world and led inevitably to frequent deadly attacks on American soil.  Islamo-fascists are like vicious dogs – if you don't take the threat they present seriously, they will bite you in the butt until you do.  Until the Obama Administration begins to take the vicious dog in the neighborhood seriously, the dog will continue to bite.

The BP Spill

First, let's be crystal clear here:  This disaster is the fault of BP and its contractors, and they will and should pay dearly for it.  That said, the response to this terrible event by the Obama Administration has been shamefully inept, and the parallels to the Bush Administration response to Hurricane Katrina are too obvious to let pass.

President Bush was pilloried by the national leftist news media for being two days late in responding to Katrina – which was undeniably true.  They were late, they were inept when they finally did respond, and the President's advisors gave the appearance of being uncaring.  No question about any of that.  But they were also dealing with an utterly incompetent Mayor of New Orleans, and an utterly incompetent Governor of Louisiana who waited two days to cede her own jurisdiction over disaster response to the federal government.  This lack of clarity of jurisdiction was at least partially responsible for the mass confusion that existed after the hurricane's devastation of New Orleans.

By contrast, there is no lack of clarity whatsoever in who has jurisdiction in response to major oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico.  That jurisdiction goes to the U.S. Department of the Interior.  Period.  It is an undeniable fact that the Obama Administration waited nine full days following the initial massive explosion before mounting any sort of meaningful response to this event.

You will note that there is no similar outcry in the nation's Obama lapdog news media regarding this Administration's failure to respond in a timely and effective manner.  Oh, the New York Times published a half-hearted editorial on Sunday that mildly criticized the Administration, and Bill Maher belched out a typically obscene comment on his HBO show on Friday night, but those and few other isolated criticisms are pretty much the extent of the non-outrage displayed by the supposed protectors of the public interest towards this Administration's incompetent response to what could become the worst ecological disaster in the nation's history.

But don't worry:  the President finally, at long last made it to Louisiana on Monday, 13 days following the explosion, to announce that his Administration would not rest until the disaster has been contained.  He was so serious about this commitment that he even made his announcement without the aid of his ever-present TelePrompter.

I know the people of Louisiana feel much better now that The One has spoken.

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