Monday, March 22, 2010

Healthcare Nationalization - A Post Mortem

Ok, so what do we know in the wake of the healthcare nationalization vote that took place in the House of Representatives on Sunday?  Here are a few things:
  •            We know there is no such thing as a "pro-life" Democrat in Washington anymore.  Michigan Rep. Bart Stupak and a few others in the Democrat caucus like to put up the pretense of caring about unborn children in order to retain their seats representing borderline Republican districts, but at the end of the day, they abandoned their "stand on principle" (as Stupak put it) for a toothless, meaningless executive order that will be thrown out of the first federal court that considers it.

  •            We already knew the so-called "moderate" Blue Dog" Democrats were as useless as you-know-whats on a boar hog, and they proved it yet again, happily providing Nancy Pelosi the number of votes she needed to ram this atrocity of a bill through the House.  They have now played this kabuki dance in which the Speaker counts Blue Dog heads until she has the necessary number of votes (they probably draw straws, or play "rock/scissors/paper to see who has to vote with her), and then lets the remainder vote against whatever disgra ce happens to be on the floor at the time for more than a decade now.  It will all come to an end in November, as pretty much all the members of this worthless fake caucus will face defeat in their bids for re-election.  Their constituents have figured out the game.  The nation has never seen a group of politicians more deserving of defeat than this particular bunch of frauds.

  •         We know that, at the end of the day, Speaker Pelosi could get 216 votes in favor of a bill that would fill the Potomac River with raw sewage if that became a top priority on President Obama's fascist agenda.

  •          We know that the President has no clue what is actually in this bill.  He demonstrated that very clearly in his interview with Fox News Anchor Brett Baier last Wednesday.

  •          We know that the Democrats as a Party have no regard for the Constitution of the United States.  Rep. Alcee Hastings of Florida stated this loud and clear for all to hear when, during a meeting of the House Rules Committee, he proudly stated "Rules?  There ain't no rules here!  We make 'em up as we go along."  Rep. Hastings, by the way, is one of just six federal judges to have been impeached from office, having been convicted of fraud and bribery charges in the 1980s.  That this criminal now sits as one of the senior Democrats on the House Rules Committee is perhaps the most appropriate committee assignment in congressional history.

And so we go on, a nation forever changed.  The United States of America is now destined to become a socialist welfare state on the model of failing Western European nations like France and Spain.  This has been the goal of socialists/fascists masquerading as Democrats for decades, and Sunday was the biggest leap they have yet take down that road.  They know that, in the long run, a government that controls the people's healthcare decisions controls their lives.  Attaining that goal was, in their view, well worth the electoral Armageddon they will face at the polls this November, and in 2012.

The truly interesting part of this whole process to me is listening to the President and his supporters in congress and the news media speculate about what a political disaster it would be for him and the Democrat Party in general had they failed to implement healthcare nationalization legislation.  I find this whole discussion fascinating, if irrelevant, because the reality is that, for proponents of this stain upon American democracy, the outcome was ultimately of no consequence at all – the damage to their political futures had already been done long before Sunday, and there is no going back.

They have now allowed this corrupt, disgraceful process of bullying, lying and vote purchasing to remain on public display for almost a full year now.  I cannot remember a time in my life when such a high percentage of ordinary Americans were so tuned in and appalled by the machinations of congress.  There will be no recovery from that for leftist Democrats in Washington. 

This November will be a political slaughter.  November 2012 will most likely be more of the same, and Barack Obama will probably be a one-term President as a result.  It's what will inevitably follow as the government steadily gains control of every aspect of our daily lives that should make us all cry for the futures of our children and their children.

American Fascism was born on Sunday.  President Obama and Nancy Pelosi took a giant leap towards their goal of turning this great nation into just another banana republic.  Somewhere, Hugo Chavez is smiling.

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