Monday, March 22, 2010

The Politics of Frivolity, Revisited

NRO's Planet Gore blog  has a story today that perfectly illustrates the theme of my "Politics of Frivolity" piece from a couple of weeks ago.  Here is an excerpt:

My old stomping grounds for about 15 years (Alexandria, Virginia) is insisting on moving forward with a project to spend 173,000 scarce taxpayer dollars in these lean times — even as taxpaying families are setting aside the frivolous and even what they consider basics — on a new "green roof" to replace a 13-year-old roof with no history of problems and a 25-year life expectancy. The other $200,000 is being paid for by all taxpayers through the EPA. OK, mostly by future taxpayers.

If Alexandria doesn't spend the $173,000 they don't have, you see, they won't qualify for EPA giving them $200,000 the federal government doesn't have. So they have to do it. They won't get that bag of money from the federal government if they don't undertake this expenditure.

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