Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday Morning Roundup

Interesting stuff out there this morning, especially if you want more insight into the President's thought process regarding his policy priorities.  I've told you for a year now that this guy is a true believer radical leftist, and unlike Bill Clinton, getting re-elected is not his first priority.

If you need confirmation of that from the horse's mouth check out this video.  "I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president."  To a Saul Alinsky (the real spiritual head of today's Democrat Party, pictured at left) disciple, that  means he'd rather keep trying to institutionalize as much neo-fascist policy as he possibly can over the next three years, whether via legislation or regulation (like the EPA's move to regulate carbon emissions under the Clean Air Act), than worry about moderating himself in order to improve his public standing and increase his chances for re-election.

This is a very, very dangerous man.

He is also increasingly becoming a laughingstock with the public.  The latest guffaw-inducing move coming from this keystone cops White House was announced last night:  The President will propose a discretionary spending freeze which his spokesperson claims will "save" $250 billion.  The linked story does not mention the reality that this number is a 10 year projection, and that the actual "savings" in the first year will amount to $15 billion.

The President and his evil gang of Chicago thugs may not have noticed, but the CBO projected deficit for FY 2010 is $1.9 TRILLION, with a "T".  Yet, this is apparently going to be the White House's major deficit reduction effort for this year.  Lovely.

You'll love this:  The President is so inept at contemporaneous speaking that he even needs his teleprompter for a speech to 6th graders.  And we're supposed to believe this guy is some sort of brilliant mind.  Whew.

If you're wondering what the Democrats plan is for avoiding an electoral disaster next November, search no more - DSCC Chairman Robert Menendez reveals this morning that the plan is to drive a wedge between the "moderate" Republicans and "Tea Party Conservatives".  Proving yet again that a) the Democrats have no desire to win votes by actually pursuing positive, helpful policies that the public might favor, and b) the Democrats have zero understanding still who the Tea Party faithful are.

If this is the Democrats' big plan for this election, a GOP takeover of one or both houses of congress only seems more likely.  Go, Bob, go!

Have a great Tuesday.

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