Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday Morning Roundup

The panic that has set in amongst our friends in the Democrat Party continues to produce sage advice from the party's "wise men" on what the President needs to do to turn the thing around.

Former Clinton Advisor James Carville (pictured at left) says all the Democrats need to do is spend more time blaming George W. Bush.  Yeah, that's the ticket!

Seriously, that may well be the stupidest advice anyone could possibly give President Obama at this point.  The whole "blame Bush" paradigm, which Obama has pulled out of his pocket at every conceivable opportunity for the last 12 months, is one of the main reasons why the public has come to find this man so damned tiresome.  The public is longing for someone, anyone, who will take national office in Washington and take responsbility for getting things right.

Carville's article only further convinces me that Hillary Clinton has not abandoned her presidential ambitions, and has her evil minions out there in the media doing everything they can to ensure Obama becomes an utterly failed president.  Not that Obama needs any help in accomplishing that, of course.

The White House has become so desperate in its efforts to halt the President's consistent drop in the polls that it has now apparently organized a campaign to write phony letters to the editor from fake people pretending to support the President's failed policies.  Seriously, you can't make this stuff up.

Meanwhile, the inside-the-beltway intelligentsia is slowly beginning to figure out that not only is the House of Representatives in play this year, the Senate is, too.  Even John Zogby, who last Monday predicted that Scott Brown would lose the senate election to ol' what's her name, will figure this out sooner or later, most likely later.

Michael Kinsley, the guy who never won a single argument with Pat Buchannan on Crossfire, then naturally landed the job as Editor of the LA Times, says the reason why newspapers are failing is that their articles are too damn long.  Hey, that makes as much sense as anything else Kinsley has said in his entire adult life.

From now on, my newspaper columns will run no more than 20 words.  Promise.

Have a great Monday.

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