Saturday, January 23, 2010

Want to Know What Obamatons Really Think?

Read this piece by New Yorker, columnist Hendrik Hertzberg (pictured at left with his date, the lovely Ms. Frankenstein):

One Year: Beware of Sudden Downdrafts

Read some key exerpts after the break...

That Obama let the “outside game” part of the health-care drama get away from him, so focussed was he on the “inside game” of trying to force the legislative elephant through the Congressional keyhole, can no longer be denied. He and his team can also be faulted for the political (and perhaps substantive) inattention that has allowed the right to profit handsomely from the economic disaster that their policies, not Obama’s, brought about.
Whether yesterday’s upset in Massachusetts turns out to be a catastrophe or merely a setback now depends largely on the grown-upness, or lack of it, of liberals in the House of Representatives. I don’t see any way out of the darkness right now other than for the House to tighten its stomach muscles, pass the Senate version of the health-care bill A.S.A.P.

Thanks to my longstanding obsession with the obsolescence of our eighteenth-century political and electoral hydraulics (such as the separation of powers and the lack of a single government accountable to a national electorate) and this sclerotic system’s sadomasochistic twentieth-century refinements (such as the institutionalization of the filibuster), I am not astonished that Obama has had trouble “getting things done.” Absent only the filibuster—even while leaving untouched all the other monkey wrenches (committee chairs, corrupt campaign money, safe districts, Republicans, etc.)—Obama by now would have signed landmark bills addressing health care, global warming, and financial regulation, and a larger, better-designed stimulus package, too.


Be sure and read the whole piece - it is a clear view into the real mindset of the Northeastern elitist leftist set that dominates the thought processes of the national Democrat party.  Truly frightening to think what this kind of neo-fascist mindset would lead to if given unchecked power to pursue their goals.

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