Sunday, January 31, 2010

Let "Washington" Do It

One of the most fascinating parts of watching President Barack Obama deliver his State of the Union Address to congress last week was hearing his repeated derogation of Washington DC, and its failure to address what ails the nation. It seemed that the President blamed “Washington” for all the bad stuff going on even more than he blamed George W. Bush.

He went on and on, slamming the “pettiness” of “partisan politics”, derogating the “Washington gimmicks” that do nothing but make problems worse. He said we have to “move beyond” the “same tired battles” that have defined national politics in recent years, and even said that the evil boogeyman “Washington” is “unable or unwilling to solve any of our problems”.

Now, you can imagine that all of this anti-“Washington” rhetoric left me feeling a bit whiplashed. After all, we have spent the last 12 months looking on as our young and inexperienced President has done nothing but seek “Washington” solutions to everything that ails us as a country.

Got a recession going on? Hey, let ol’ “Washington” waste $787 billion of your dollars on a fake “stimulus” bill that was really nothing more than a means of dramatically raising the baseline for all sorts of wasteful discretionary federal programs. Oops – we’ve got a $1.4 trillion deficit? Why, we’ll get “Washington” to put a “freeze” on those discretionary programs whose baseline budgets we’ve just increased by about 40% - we can afford it now. General Motors is about to go bankrupt? How about letting “Washington” take over and run the company – he can do it! It’ll only cost $50 billion or so, the first year.

All the fraud global warming “scientists” are claiming that there’s just too much gosh darn carbon dioxide in the air? Shoot, let’s get our good buddy “Washington” to implement a cap and trade program that will spend about $2 trillion of your dollars to marginally limit what amounts to 12/100ths of 1 percent of annual greenhouse gas emissions. There are problems in the nation’s healthcare delivery system? Why, let’s get “Washington” to nationalize the whole mess, and increase the national debt by a couple of trillion bucks in the process.

Too many conservative radio talk show hosts on the air for any liberal’s comfort level? “Washington” can fix that – we’ll just appoint the right (wink, wink) people to the FCC and gradually re-implement the old “fairness” doctrine requiring equal time for the leftwing hosts for whom the recent bankruptcy filing of Air America demonstrates clearly there is no audience. All of Obama’s far-left supporters want to grant citizenship rights to non-American terrorist enemy combatants? No problem – we’ll let “Washington”, in the form of our idiot Attorney General Eric Holder, read Khalid Sheikh Mohammed his rights, get him a team of taxpayer-funded lawyers, and spend about a billion dollars giving him a trial in a civilian court in lower Manhattan.

On and on and on it has gone for the first year of this guy’s term in office. If a problem exists, no matter how large, no matter how trivial, Barack Obama has proposed a “Washington” solution to it.

It is a measure of just exactly how utterly and pathologically dishonest this man is that he spent most of last week’s speech pretending to detest the very means of governance that he has unerringly pursued throughout his first year in office, and which he will undoubtedly continue to unerringly pursue for the next three years. This complete dishonesty about who he is of course does not make him in any way exceptional among leftist politicians – they pretty much all have to lie to the voters about their true nature and intentions in order to have any hope of being elected to office. The only real exceptions to this are members of congress who represent districts filled with far-left voters – think Nancy Pelosi in downtown San Francisco and Barney Frank in Boston. Otherwise, they all, like the President, campaign as “moderates” who want to seek “bipartisan solutions” to the nation’s problems.

In other words, as I have told you repeatedly, liberal politicians think you’re stupid.

The problem President Obama has in this regard is that the public has by and large caught onto the misdirection at this point. A solid year spent attempting to govern from the far, far left after having campaigned as a centrist is enough to wake up even many of the dimmest bulbs among us.

The truth is that the President’s speech last week, and the Democrat Party’s decision to “double-down” on pursuit of the same big government, “Washington” solutions to issues that have already led them to the loss of the “Kennedy” senate seat in Massachusetts, only shows what a tin ear this guy has when it comes his own increasingly-negative public perception.

This State of the Union message will no doubt lead to a short-term rise in the President’s polling numbers. That is almost always the case with these things. But once the increasingly-skeptical public sees that nothing real is going to change, and that the President and his minions are going to just continue to plow down the same far left path, we will see a collapse of his public approval ratings into the low 40s or even the high 30s by the time summer rolls around. If congressional Democrats who are up for re-election this November are worried about their prospects right now, just wait until the President and Speaker Pelosi have given their voters another six months of the same old leftist nonsense.

In the liberal zoo that America has become, the natives are getting restless.

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