Friday, February 12, 2010

The Friday Fix

After November, there will be one less chronic drug abuser in the House of Representatives.  Patrick Kennedy has announced he will not seek re-election.  The fewer Kennedys around abusing everything and everyone in sight, the better.

John Mayer, after bragging in an interview with Playboy Magazine about his "racist penis", and using the vaunted "n-word" in the process, obviously decided a simple apology was not enough , and that crying was in fact required here.  I have to admit I had no idea until this morning that it was even possible for a penis to possess racist thought. Go figure.

The erstwhile liberals over at the Politico assure us that, all the mountain of evidence to the contrary aside, the leftists in the mainstream media love Sarah Palin, they really, really do.  Whew.

As if the poor folks in Haiti didn't have it bad enough, this morning they must frantically hide their women, children and wallets, because Nancy Pelosi is coming to town along with a contingent of her fellow leftist thieves.  God help Haiti.

You know it's getting bad for President Obama when even the fake polls conducted by CBS and the NY Times feel the need to accurately show his public approval rating diving below 50% into the mid-40s.  They dummied it up just enough to keep the 46% approval hovering 1 percentage point above the 45% disapproval, but nobody's really buying that nonsense anymore.  This guy is on a free fall into the high 30s by summer.

Finally, I leave you today with a link to the the coolest of all the cool webites in the Internet: this site chronicles everything that was ever blamed on "global warming".  It's well worth taking a little time to browse through some of the most absurd claims.  Of course, we now know that most of those claims were thrown into the IPCC report without any fact-checking at all.

Have a great Friday, folks.

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