Sunday, February 21, 2010

So Much for the "Pivot to Jobs"

Y’all remember way back in January – yes, a whole month ago – when the word out of the White House was that President Barack Obama was going to finally, at long last, really, truly get serious about dealing with the economy and implementing policies designed to create jobs? He was, according to his army of professional prevaricators – otherwise known as the mainstream news media – going to perform a “pivot to jobs”, a fancy dance move that would promenade away from his single-minded focus on the frivolity of cap and trade and healthcare nationalization, and dosey-doe to a new (for him) pursuit of policies designed to create real jobs.

So what has changed in the President’s behavior since that barrage of White House talking point parroting by the lapdog media?


If you got up early on Sunday morning and logged onto as I did, the very first headline you saw was a link to a transcript of the President’s Saturday morning YouTube address, demonstrating what he is clearly focused on today. The headline read “It’s Time to Move Forward on Healthcare”. Huh? Beg pardon? Say what?

Did I misread that? Is it a typo? Did it really say “It’s Time to Move Forward on Jobs”, or “It’s Time to Finally, at Long Last, to Focus on the Economy”, or “It’s Time For Me To Get Serious About Doing My Job”, or “It’s Time For Me To Drop My neo-Fascist Dreams”?

No, I had it right – it really does say “It’s Time to Move Forward on Healthcare”. Hooboy.

So I clicked on the piece to see if the headline was misleading. I thought, you know, the address might have been more focused on jobs and the economy, with just a passing mention about healthcare that was latched onto by a headline writer at RealClearPolitics. But no, the entire piece is about healthcare nationalization. I mean that literally – every word of the speech is solely focused on socializing 1/6th of the U.S. economy. It reads like a speech the President would have made last July – chock full of the ad hominem attacks on and demonization of healthcare providers we have so come to know and love from this President. We’re right back to boogeyman politics. Ok, really, we never left.

So much for the “pivot to jobs”.

Seriously, this should not come as a surprise to anyone – we’ve said all along this guy is not going to change. He has no clue what to do about the economy, and doesn’t much care. He has no clue how to go about creating jobs, and why would anyone expect otherwise? This is a man who has never been involved in a job-creating endeavor in his entire life – he has spent his entire adult life as a political agitator and a politician. His mentors in life have all, without exception, been men of the radical left. He is constitutionally incapable of changing his behavior, and has no desire to change it in any event – he is what he is, a man seeking the creation of a neo-fascist American state.

Oh, well, it could’ve been worse – the President’s Saturday address could have been all about cap and trade. Hmmm, why do I suspect that will be his topic in the coming weeks?

So the White House and the Democrats in congress remain focused on healthcare nationalization. They’re holding a summit on February 25th dedicated to healthcare nationalization. They’ve invited Republicans to attend, and will no doubt reject out of hand any Republican idea that would not lead directly to nationalization of 1/6th of the economy. The White House, after leaving it entirely up to congress to write various healthcare nationalization bills over the last 14 months, is going to post its own healthcare plan on its website on Monday. An anonymous source tells Fox News that the White House plan will be based on – guess what? – the current Senate bill, only without the bribes to Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and Ben Nelson of Nebraska in exchange for their votes.

Yeah, that’s the ticket! The White House obviously believes that the only reason why the overwhelmingly liberal voters of Massachusetts elected a Republican last month to fill that state’s vacant senate seat was due to the backroom deals surrounding the senate healthcare negotiations, and that all those polls taken since showing upwards of 60% of Americans opposing healthcare nationalization are meaningless.

So, you might ask, why does this President remain myopically focused on what is so obviously a political loser of a policy? Because healthcare nationalization is not about “fixing” the healthcare system, it’s about creating the most massive new dependent class of Americans since FDR’s New Deal.

This President has not abandoned his goal of “transforming America”, which he repeated hundreds of times throughout his presidential campaign. He wasn’t kidding when he said that, nor was he resorting to hyperbole. His true, undying goal is to transform this country into a neo-fascist state, and the only way to make that happen is to render as many Americans as possible dependent on the federal government for their livelihoods and their healthcare. This is why the only “jobs” he has even attempted to create are government jobs, why his regulatory agencies focus on making it harder and costlier for anyone to create a private sector job, and why he refuses to abandon his unpopular plan to nationalize healthcare.

There is no mystery here, folks. This President is extremely transparent, and he has been telling us for a couple of years now what he really plans to do to this country. It’s time everyone started taking him at his word.

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