Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Sunday Morning Sensation

Well, Professor Phil Jones has apparently finally decided to begin weaving some level of actual truth into his global warming fantasy tales.  His admissions this week that a) the earth may well have really been warmer during the medieval warming period than it has been over the last 20 years, and b) there has been no global warming since at least 1995 amount to a concession that his infamous "hockey stick" chart was in fact a fraud - as it has repeatedly been demonstrated to be over the last 5 years - rendering the entire foundation for global warming theory suspect at best, more likely the complete and utter sham we've long suspected it to be.

Gawd, it's great being right.

Meanwhile, Howard Dean continues to be the raving lunatic we've all come to know and love, and Al Gore, the Pope of the Church of Global Warming, remains sequestered away from the public eye, as he has been since the abject failure of his Copenhagen global warming confab back in December.

But the complete collapse of the Church of Global Warming fairy tale and its full reporting in the European and Asian news media has done nothing to stop the leftist parrots in the American news media from robotically blubbering its talking points.  Reliable liberals Ceci Connoly and Juan Williams dutifully repeated the CGW-approved lines on the Fox News Sunday roundtable, even as host Chris Wallace and the other roundtable participants no doubt had to strain to hide their snickering.  The whole Climategate scandal has yet be really reported in any meaningful way on any of the major network news broadcasts, or in reliably leftist newspapers like the NY Times.

Of course, the radical leftist government employee James Hansen , continuing his unfettered violation of several federal statutes with apparent impunity, continues to spew his fright scenarios, although this week he likely had to do it from his living room given that the record snowfall in Washington DC likely had him shut in.

And nothing, short of congressional action or a court order, can stop the Environmental Protection Agency from making every effort to destroy what little is left of the U.S. economy by continuing to pursue its mad goal of regulating carbon dioxide, one of the key staples of life on earth, under the Clean Air Act.   While all the attention of the public and the media has been focused on the Obama Administration's efforts to destroy the U.S. economy through massive new socialist legislative proposals, little attention has thus far been paid to the backdoor efforts to accomplish the same goal via soviet-style command and control regulation of every aspect of our daily lives.

Now that the voters have stopped the Obama legislative agenda dead in its tracks, we'll see more attention paid to the administration's regulatory agenda.  One can only hope the courts will come to their senses before it's too late and the EPA has been allowed to go too far down this road.

The nine months left until the November mid-term elections are possibly the most critical nine months in this nation's history.  We must somehow survive the belligerent Obama surge until the voters get their next opportunity to continuing to correct the horrible error they made in 2008.

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