Sunday, February 28, 2010

Al Gore: The Ken Lay of Global Warming

Predictably, the NY Times has today ceded 1/4th of its op/ed page to a guest opinion piece by Al Gore, Pope of the Church of Global Warming.  It's title?  "We Can't Wish Away Climate Change".


The first paragraph is a thing of climate-hysteric beauty:  "It would be an enormous relief if the recent attacks on the science of global warming actually indicated that we do not face an unimaginable calamity requiring large-scale, preventive measures to protect human civilization as we know it."

You have to love the chutzpah, coming from a guy whose every pronouncement of impending doom to mankind made over the last 20 years has been demonstrated false in just the last few months.  Since last November, we learned that a) hurricanes are not becoming either stronger or more numerous than in the past, b) the Himalyan glaciers are not melting, c) the Amazon rain forests are not endangered by global warming, d) arctic sea ice is not disappearing, e) antarctic sea ice is actually expanding, f) Greenland is not melting, g) polar bears are not in any way an endangered species, h) sea levels are not rising, period, i) crop production in Africa is not decreasing, j) global warming is not a threat to water resources to 3/4ths of the globe, and k) there has been no global warming at all since 1995.

But it gets even better, as Pope Al continues talking himself into a corner:  "...what a burden would be lifted! We would no longer have to worry that our grandchildren would one day look back on us as a criminal generation that had selfishly and blithely ignored clear warnings that their fate was in our hands. We could instead celebrate the naysayers who had doggedly persisted in proving that every major National Academy of Sciences report on climate change had simply made a huge mistake."

The irony of Pope Al pointing fingers at anyone else and accusing them of criminal behavior is stunning in light of what we know today about the utter and complete fraud he has attempted to perpetrate on the world community.  This is a man who was given a Nobel Peace Prize and an Academy Award for the production of a fake documentary - An Inconvenient Truth -  every element of whose narrative was designed to convince the people of the world to spend trillions of dollars in establishing a global carbon trading scheme.  At the same time, Gore was secretly setting himself up in the carbon credit trading business, massively enriching himself in the process.

Now we know that every element of the narrative to An Inconvenient Truth is a lie, the foundation of the most expensive fraud ever perpetrated on mankind.  And we know that Pope Al has been one of the main beneficiaries of that fraud. 

When similar fraud-based houses of cards come tumbling down in the corporate world, as happened with Enron, Arthur Anderson and others, the United States Justice Department conducts formal investigations and people go to jail.  The proper analogy here is to think of Pope Al as the Ken Lay of the Global Warming fraud.

But it doesn't end with Pope Al - you also have to consider the fake "scientists" who have since November been revealed to have intentionally falsified their data in order to produce fake "science" in support of the global warming fraud scheme.  Again, when corporate emails revealing systematic fraudulent behavior are made public, the U.S. Justice Department conducts formal investigations, issues indictments, and throws people in jail.  Given that the emails revealed since last November reveal exactly such fraudulent intent, similar investigations from U.S. and European law enforcement officials are in order.

If future generations want to find criminal behavior in the current generation, they need look no further than Mr. Gore himself, and the fake scientists who dummied up the data to support his criminal endeavor.

Pope Al sums up his op/ed piece with the following breathtaking assertion:  "We have overcome existential threats before. Winston Churchill is widely quoted as having said, “Sometimes doing your best is not good enough. Sometimes, you must do what is required.” Now is that time. Public officials must rise to this challenge by doing what is required; and the public must demand that they do so — or must replace them."

This is the one true thing he writes in the entire piece, and I fully agree.  It is time for public officials at the U.S. Justice Department and law enforcement agencies around the world to rise to the challenge and do what is required here:  Investigate and prosecute Pope Al, the fake scientists who dummied up the data, the officials at the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change, and anyone else who has had a knowing hand in the perpetration of this massive, unprecedented fraud against humanity.

If these public officials fail to perform their obvious duty in this case, then the public must replace them.  It was probably not Pope Al's intent, but in this piece he has made the best possible argument for returning both houses of congress to Republican control this November.  We know the Obama Administration will never act to correct this fraud so long as they are able to avoid it.  Congressional pressure from a new majority will be the only way to force it, and if that fails, then the President himself must be replaced in 2012.

Pope Al had better make all the millions he can as quickly as he can.  Time is growing short, and the editorial board at the NY Times will not be able to provide him cover forever.

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