Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Wednesday Wail

If you engage in public speaking with any frequency, there has almost certainly been at least one time when you, at the last minute before going on stage, scribbled a few notes on the palm of one of your hands to use as a reminder to make some key points that you had not included in your original slides or script.  I do this almost every time I give a presentation or speech. Once, while waiting to give testimony before a legislative committee, I realized that the witness just before me was making pretty much all of the points I had intended to make, and, lacking any paper, ended up scribbling an entire set of new notes on both palms in the few moments before I had to take the witness table.  Ironically, it ended up being probably the most effective testimony I've ever offered.

And so we get to the leftist media's latest obsession with Sarah Palin.  It seems that, when offering her speech to the Tea Party convention in Nashville on Saturday, the former Alaska Governor had scribbled a few notes on the palm of her left hand, and this showed up on the cameras.  Immediatly, the neo-fascist goon squads that make up the regular contributors to the Huffington Post, Daily Kos and other far-left nut site went berserk, spending all day Sunday making the wholely illogical analogy between President Obama's inability to speak to a class of 6th graders without his Teleprompter crutch, and Ms. Palin scribbling a few reference notes on the palm of one hand.

Here I sit on Wednesday morning, for some reason watching Morning Joe on MSNBC, and the liberal pea brains who host this program are still obsessing about this, four days after Ms. Palin delivered her speech.  The context has changed a bit, with much of the focus now on the pathetic White House spokesman, Robert "I'm almost as utterly incompetent in this job as Scott McClellan" Gibbs, who mocked Ms. Palin at Tuesday's press briefing by showing the assembled reporters notes he had scribble on his own fatty palm.

The lefties in the media all thought that was very cute, but the reality is that it amounts to just one more clear indicator that this President and his staff simply have no understanding of how ordinary Americans actually function in life.  Every time they and their unflinching allies in the press manufacture some new fake excuse to mock Ms. Palin, they make her a more sympathetic character to millions of Americans, and show themselves for the arrogant pinheads they truly are.

Of course, the best news of this week is that the repeated record snowstorms in the DC area have forced the House of Representatives and much of the federal government to shut down for the entire week.  If we could get another six months of this, the budget deficit would be cut in half.

But there's no shutting down Barack Obama's mouth, or the smarmy mouth of Robert Gibbs.

A couple of other things:  John Murtha, one of the very worst, most unethical people to ever serve in the U.S. congress, died on Monday.  He is, in my opinion, a truly tragic figure:  A real, genuine American hero in his early life, who became a real, genuine, unabashed scumbag in his later life.  One of the most mixed legacies I've ever seen.

Finally, the U.S. Senate should be applauded:  the effort to invoke cloture on the nomination of communist Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board failed on a vote of 52-33. Becker was hand-picked by Obama's benefactors in the SEIU, which funneled tens of millions in illegal contributions into the Obama campaign, to fill the post.

That made Tuesday a great day for America.  Let's see what we can do about Wednesday.

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