Friday, February 5, 2010

The Friday Morning Fright Fest

Let's dig right in with one of my favorite pet peeves, the worthless, feckless, wimped-out, pretend-to-be-conservative Democrat "Blue Dog" Caucus in the House of Representatives.  These 42 or so members of the House constitute the most over-hyped and under-accomplished caucus in the history of American government.

Take a look at this story. Yesterday, the Democrats raised the U.S. debt ceiling by a whopping $1.9 trillion, the largest such hike in U.S. history, by far.  The story really plays up the role the Blue Dogs played in ensuring the bill also invoked "pay as you go" budgeting rules in the house for 2010, making them seem to be these intrepid protectors of taxpayer dollars.  Well, bullshit, as we like to say down here in Texas.

First of all, these "pay as  you go" rules have been in effect for the vast majority of the last 12 years, as the federal debt has literally exploded.  This Blue Dog caucus has been in existence since the mid-1990s, as the federal debt has literally exploded.  Am I repeating myself here?  Well, sorry, I'm a little pissed.

The Blue Dog caucus has been in existence since around 1995, and has yet to take a single vote as a group against any huge spending bill proposed by their Party's leadership.  They caved on the fake stimulus bill last year, most of them caved on a cap and trade bill that would have added yet another $2 trillion to the national debt, and most of them have been feverishly negotiating special deals for their districts in exchange for their votes on the healthcare nationalization bill.

The only way this worthless collection of fake fiscal conservatives could ever make themselves a truly relevant caucus would be to oppose some huge spending bill - any huge spending bill - favored by their leadership as a bloc.  But because they are fake fiscal conservatives who only assume that posture as a means of getting elected in what are otherwise Republican districts, they never do that.  These are the very worst people in the U.S. House of Representatives, because they give the Democrat Party a patina of ideological diversity it does not in fact possess.   A pox on all their Blue dog houses.

Ok, let me take a deep breath here before moving on...

Far be it from me to become a big defender of the Supreme Court, whose decisions have been the direct cause of so much human misery and loss of freedom over the years, but everyone should read this piece about why Justice Clarence Thomas chose to skip the State of the Union speech.  Just another example of the inability of leftist Democrats to behave in a civil manner, and a very sad commentary for the nation.

How would you like to be David Axelrod these days, getting balled out by a bad comedian and failed radio talk show host who literally stole an election in Minnesota to get a seat in the Senate.  It must feel kind of like being lectured by a 5th-tier Mafioso.

Cong. Patrick Kennedy, son of Ted, is already lashing out at newly-seated Senator Scott Brown.  Brown's perceived crime?  Why, voting with the - gasp! - Republicans, of course.  Here's the money quote:  "This is where he shows that when they need him, he's in the tank for the Republicans," Kennedy said.

Hey, Patrick:  Scott's a REPUBLICAN.  Get used to it.
Have a great Friday!

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