Monday, February 1, 2010

The Monday Morning Mind Meld

Are you sitting down?  If not,  you might want to before reading the next sentence...

The Barack (the Hussien is silent) Obama Administration will release its 5 year budget plan today.  It projects a budget deficit of $5.08 trillion during that time period, which is 35% higher than the administration's previous projection.  The Politico story I've linked you to makes a fetid effort to blame it all on higher than anticipated war spending, but that is just a very small portion of the increase in spending.  You should also understand that this budget anticipates something over $600 billion in revenues related to the mind-boggling stupid cap and trade plan that everyone in Washington knows is not going to be passed into law.

The most dishonest, least transparent administration in American history continues its deceitful ways.

The folks over at show us that this President will surrender his dignity to pretty much anyone.  The Mayor of Tampa?  Seriously?

If you still wonder why Newsweek continues to teeter on the brink of bankruptcy, all you need to do is read this insipid piece by the terminally irrelevant Anna Quindlen. This nitwit is still making the "we won, so just get in line" argument that Obama himself quit making along about March of 2009.  Unreal.

That's all I can stand for today - y'all have a great week.

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