Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Thursday Morning Thrill Ride

Wow.  You miss a couple of days blogging and all hell has broken loose.  Where to begin...

How about here.  Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln, after having spent the last year desperately attempting to set herself up as the 60th vote for the Obama healthcare nationalization plan, suddenly finds herself down by 23 points to a Republican opponent in her bid for re-election.  So now she gets religion, and asks the President when he's going to start fighting back against those evil liberals in his own Party.  This would be comical if it weren't so damned pathetic.

Back in December, I wrote in my newspaper column that it was very clear to me at that time that, unless the President radically shifted his legislative and regulatory agenda back from the far left to the center of the political spectrum, both houses of congress would clearly be in play and subject to a GOP takeover this November.  I also admitted I was out on a limb with that projection, and that the national punditry would take a little while to reach a similar conclusion.  That realization among the pundit class has now begun in earnest, with this piece from an AP writer being the latest evidence of this transitional thought process.  If the AP, which has been firmly in the Obama tank for the last 2 years, has writers coming very reluctantly to this conclusion, you now the polling data is very, very compelling.

This is important news - Democrat Collin Peterson, Chairman of the House Ag Committee, has now introduced a bill that would deny EPA the ability to move to regulate "greenhouse" gases under its entirely fraudulent "endangerment finding" published in late 2009.  Rep. Peterson is extremely influential among farm state Democrats, who make up about 40 votes in the House, enough to get a bill passed with solid Republican support.  We continue to see rising support in the Senate for similar legislation among "moderate" Democrats who, like Sen. Lincoln, see their polling numbers fading rapidly under the steady leftwards assault on the economy and our freedoms by the Obama Administration.

This one actually surprises me a little bit.  The President actually had a pretty good day last Thursday when he went to a GOP caucus retreat and had a semi-free flowing Q and A session with members of the loyal opposition.  And he did well - I mean, the man is not competent at much, but he can debate when he's been properly schooled beforehand.  So when I saw early yesterday that a group of pundits and bloggers from across the political spectrum had sent a petition to the White House to make these kinds of sessions a regular periodic event, I half expected the Administration to at least give lip service to wanting to explore the possibility.  But these guys are clearly the most inept and clueless bunch we've had ensconced at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue since at least the Carter Administration, so I suppose it should not surprise me that they are choosing to forego an opportunity to make their guy look good on TV 2 or 3 times a year.

I know you will all be shocked to hear this, but the Obama Commerce Department has been dummying up fake unemployment numbers in an obvious effort to prevent the published rate of unemployment from rising above 10%.  As we mentioned on Monday, the Administration has already demonstrate its willingness to fake these economic indicators by having to revise its third quarter GDP estimate downwards twice, ultimately taking it all the way down to 2.2% from an initial estimate of 4.6%.  I'm laying odds that the 5.7% 4th quarter GDP estimate published last week will ultimately be revised downwards to somewhere south of 3.5%.

And then I came across this. This does not bode well for any of us.  Maybe we all ought to consider taking up golf. 

Have a great Thursday.

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