Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hobnobbing With Tex!

Welcome to yet another incredibly enlightening edition of the only op/ed column in America that has been telling you there has been no global warming since 1995 since…well, since 1995, Hobnobbing With Tex!

Item: Dr. Phil is a phraud.

No, not that Dr. Phil (although he’s a fraud as well) – we’re talking about Dr. Phil Jones of London’s East Anglia University. After years of trying to convince the world that the last 50 years constitute the warmest climate period in recorded history, Dr. Phil turned the world of the Church of Global Warming on its collective head over the weekend when he publicly admitted for the first time that the so-called Medieval Warm Period may well have been warmer than current times, and that there has likely been no global warming at all since 1995.

Dr. Jones, of course, is the very same fake “scientist” who for the last decade falsified data in what has now been rendered a failed attempt to literally erase the 500 year Medieval Warm Period from history in his now-infamous “hockey stick” graph that purported to show steadily and moderately fluctuating temperatures for 2000 years leading to a rapid spike upwards since 1950. Real scientists have over the last seven years repeatedly demonstrated not only that the Medieval Warm Period did indeed exist, but also that Dr. Jones’s claim of a recent spike in global temperatures in excess of ordinary historic fluctuations is a fantasy.

But still, Jones was able to persist in propping up his fraud – which formed the very foundation of Church of Global Warming religious dogma – with the help of a compliant, lapdog media until thousands of emails exchanged between himself and a group of fellow fake “scientists” were made public last November. These emails clearly demonstrated a cooperative effort among the global warming alarmist fake scientist community to include fabricated data in their studies, hide real data from the public, and smear real scientists who attempted to publish studies refuting the alarmist claims.

Since then, Jones has found himself under increasing fire from the British news media, and under intensifying scrutiny from his bosses at East Anglia for his obvious academic fraud,  and from the British government for his blatant violations of the British Freedom of Information Act. It appears the warmest place in London these days is Dr. Jones’s office, and he’s attempting to cool things off by finally weaving a little reality into the fantasy world he has made millions of dollars concocting.

One can only hope this latest ruse by Dr. Jones will not have the effect of convincing his bosses and the British government to call off the dogs. Dr. Jones has, along with Al Gore and many others, played a major role in the execution of the most massive fraud in the history of mankind, a fraud that has convinced developed nations around the world to implement wasteful, enormously expensive policies that have cost taxpayers billions upon billions of dollars, and led directly to millions of deaths due to starvation, malaria and other needless causes.

Prison is where such people belong, and the sooner sanity arrives and governments begin the process of putting them there, the better.

Item: Bayh, Bayh, Evan.

It's like deja vu all over again:  The similarities between the first two years of the Barack Obama Administration and the first two years of the Bill Clinton Administration continue to accumulate. Throughout late 1993 and early 1994, the country witnessed a rash of retirements by Democrat members of congress, as those members began to wake up to the mess Slick Willie had made of his first year in office, and realized that Clinton’s then-fading public approval rating was going to harm their own chances at re-election.

Fast forward to late 2009, and over the last five months or so, we have seen the same phenomenon rising among current congressional Democrats, and for the same reason: President Obama, by dramatically misreading the results of the 2008 elections and pursuing a radical leftist policy agenda, has made a hash of his first year in office, and shows no signs of any willingness to moderate his worst impulses. This has placed the Democrats’ significant congressional majorities in real peril, and many of these senators and congressmen, seeing the handwriting on the wall, are opting for retirement rather than defeat the polls.

Last Friday, Rhode Island congressman Patrick Kennedy announced he would not seek re-election in the wake of polls showing his potential for success in November increasingly unlikely.  Liberals across the country and in the media engaged  in hand-wringing that this would leave congress without a single Kennedy for the first time in half a century.  The rest of the country realized that, given the horrid performance of congress over the last 50 years, this can only be a good thing.
But the latest, and highest-profile retirement came on Monday, when Indiana Senator and former presidential candidate Evan Bayh announced he would not seek re-election to his senate seat this year. Bayh couched his decision in personal terms, claiming it was not motivated by any fear of losing in November. But the truth is that he has been running behind in recent polls to a couple of potential Republican challengers, and has had a difficult time raising campaign funds. With the President obviously intent upon continuing to pursue his radical agenda, it’s pretty apparent that Senator Bayh read the handwriting on the wall and decided to try to preserve his viability for a future presidential run rather than end his career with a loss this November.

Thus proving that, even in the Liberal Zoo, discretion often remains the better part of valor.

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